How can you feel so alone in our socialist unity?

MENTAL International psychoanalytic journal – l’EuroFédération de Psychanalyse, no. 37   by Dr Nina Krajnik   « At the time of the Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia, Slovenia was the place of a particular case, which has not been widely disclosed until 2017....

A Certain Emancipation

Reality seeker Interview with Dr Nina Krajnik « If we passionately devote ourselves to common sense that creates the reality we conservatively consolidate an already established knowledge. To put it more simply, we take what is offered to us. But if we take the...

La Règle du Jeu

June 6, 2017 Jacques Rancière – Politics of Oasis by Jacques-Alain Miller   »ZADIG – “ZADIG – Zero Abjection Democratic International Group supports victims of arbitrariness around the globe. Slavoj, Mladen Dolar, a dark eye gazes at you also in Ljubljana,...

ZADIG – International Psychoanalytic Movement

19.05.2017 Jacques-Alain Miller   Psychoanalysis was never satisfied by being “clinic”. It was always linked to the “politics of civilisation” (term by Edgar Morin). In his time, Freud recognised the discontents of civilisation. He demonstrated that the relation...

The Truth about Žižek

May 20, 2017 Announcement brochure of the international psychoanalytic movement ZADIG (Zero Abjection Democratic International Group) of the World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP).