V reviji Lacan Quotidien je 12. junija 2017 izšel prvi članek trilogije NINA VERSUS ŽIŽEK predsednice SDLP dr. Nine Krajnik.

«Despite the fact that it never consisted of any psychoanalysts, Žižek’s circle was declared as the
‘Ljubljana School of Psychoanalysis’ and the ‘Ljubljana Lacanian School’. The organisation
shaped the generations, convinced that no one needs to do analysis to be capable of developing
psychoanalytic concepts, social and cultural phenomenon or even making any clinical
presentations. This project was accompanied by academic sectarianism and the control over a
public debate stemming from the privatisation of the university departements and publishing
houses in Ljubljana, safe-guarded by public financial resources close to the tycoon elite and
established after the collapse of Yugoslavia.»

Celoten članek lahko preberete na tej povezavi:

Lacan Quotidien n° 719 – ÉDITORIAL Anaëlle Lebovits-Quenehen – Champs freudien année zéro – Controverse sur le trotskisme – Nina versus Zizek – Vers une refonte de l’enseignement dans le Champ freudien – Lacan Cotidiano